Friday, November 15, 2013

All You Need is a Little Fencing and Some Chestnuts!

Hahaha we went to a fencing class under the instruction of a Spanish champion fencer.  She recognized we were beginners, so she gave us some much needed one-on-one time, and we did improve.  

To duel, you run a cord through your armor that gets hooked up to a machine and the sword (don't worry, it's not a real sword).  The machine tracks how many times you strike your opponent.  This is a picture of our friend since we were not allowed to duel during our first practice. Maybe next time!

Chestnut roast at school to celebrate the holiday, Magosto.  We've never tried chestnuts, but Bing Crosby always gave off the impression that they were sweet in the song.  They are not! They taste bitter.  A teacher at the school said that chestnuts were used much like potatoes before potatoes became commonly used in cooking.

Patiently waiting for their chestnuts

Magosto games: This is more difficult than it looks!


The sun finally came out this week, so we ventured off into the countryside.  We found some goats!

Don't worry...that is not Robin without a shirt and sporting long Spanish hair.  However, Robin and I did slack line with the American couple we met from Seattle.  We decided not to have our first time be over a canyon.  Rather, the line was set up about three or so inches above the ground.  If you're reading this, Nick Dunn, ask for a slack line for Christmas. You will love it!

As delicious as potato and egg breakfast burritos and fajitas are, we were starting to become bored with our usual cooking routine here.  To fix this problem, we made a sweet American classic: Barbeque ribs. Ahh home sweet barbeque home!

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